What have we been up to?
In this page you will be able to see our latest projects and other subjects we care about.
The case studies below are a brief snapshot of the projects Tutum Consulting has been involved within the last 24 months illustrating the breadth of services we can offer.
The case studies below are a brief snapshot of the projects Tutum Consulting has been involved within the last 24 months illustrating the breadth of services we can offer.

safety assessment
Chelmer Waterside, Essex
Tutum Consulting were appointed by Taylor Wimpey to examine and report on the safety implications of 430 dwelling development at (…)

Northampton Bike Park
In August we were appointed by West Northamptonshire Council/Sport England on the preparation of a planning (…)

road safety audits
Hogwood Farm, Wokingham
In May 2021, Tutum Consulting Ltd were employed to consider the Road Safety implications of traffic failing to adhere to a one-way system. (…)

travel plan
Islamic Educational Centre, Leicestershire
We were appointed to produced a Travel Plan to demonstrate how the educational centre will positively (…)

Professional Contract
Solihull MBC, Highways Support
We have ongoing contract with Solihull MBC provided highways advice and design on a number (…)

Transport Statement and Travel Plan
Bewdley, Worcestershire
Tutum were delighted to be appointed by Owl Home (…)
A business built on trust, reliability and our commitment to creating a better tomorrow.