Northampton Bike Park
In August we were appointed by West Northamptonshire Council/Sport England on the preparation of a planning application for a free to use Mountain Bike Park.
The work incorporated a parking survey and access proposals together with liaison with the local Highways Authority to ensure the scope of the transport work. Through this scoping exercise we were able to reduce the work required for the planning application and highways consideration, which in turn delivered significant costs savings to our client.


road safety audits
Hogwood Farm, Wokingham
Working with Cala Homes North Thames and the JNP Group we are delighted to have been instructed to produce Road Safety Audits (…)

travel plan
Islamic Educational Centre, Leicestershire
We were appointed to produced a Travel Plan to demonstrate how the educational centre will positively (…)

Professional Contract
Solihull MBC, Highways Support
We have ongoing contract with Solihull MBC provided highways advice and design on a number (…)